About Us

To furnish accurate market information by overseeing all the parameters.

We are actively involved in chartering of the vessels, for commodities such as fertilizers /coal/ iron ore/ limestone/ salt /clinker/aggregates etc. We are close and direct ship brokers for the global ship owners and chartering companies covering tonnages of handy size to capesize tonnages and offering turnkey logistics solutions for various bulk cargoes. We have close relationships with many ship owners of various ship sizes, ranging from handy size to cape size and with charterers with whom we have arranged the movement of many types of commodities, including coal, fertilizers, minerals, ores, steel, salt, agricultural products, cement, forest products, general cargoes and sugar.

To create healthy business relationships with the ship owners and charterers and enhance the business by providing in depth ship broking service.

Our Mission

To provide the highest level of services to our customers in order to build a trustworthy and long lasting relationship with all the clients across the globe.

Our Vision

To be recognised as one of the most admired Ship Brokers in the industry because of commitments and services in every segment with highest ethical and professional standards.